Today is 7 days past my 5 day transfer and I am convinced that it hasnt worked. I felt so optimistic a few days ago and now I dont feel so confident. the longer the time comes nearer to my blood pregnancy test, the more I feel like this is failed cycle #6.
I know that eventually this will work, but having the patience to waitg for that day is so hard. And keeping a positive attitude while I wait feels impossible.
Yes, I don't know for sure if it has worked, but ironically blogs and google are what is convincing me that it hasn't. When I read post by women who are having the same symptoms as me, or should I say lack of symptoms, the results 90% of the time were not good for them.
The facts are that I have an excellent chance of this working. It makes more sense for it to work than for it not to work. I mean the facts are my fertility issues were caused by tubal blockage and IVF bipasses the tubes and no longer makes my fertility issue and issue. And the blastocyst was a grade AB, which my doctor said was excellent. He felt so great about the quality of the embryo that he recommended putting only one back in. And with all the monitoring and all the meds to support implantation and with actually seeing my fertilized embryo being put in my uterus through, the would make a person in their right mind be 90-100% confident that it worked, but being through this 6 times in the past 9 months makes me feel that I am 90-100% sure that it didnt work.
And what makes me feel this way?? The fact that I do not have any all the other women that were at the same point as I am right now have had more symptoms than I am having. I have had zero spotting. I do have sore boobs and the occasional lower back pain and Im tired ofter, but these are things that I have experienced from the meds during each of the cycles. I was also very bloated before and it went down. So, that has me worried, as well. ugh!!
Wednesday is my test day and it can't come fast enough. I am promising myself not to pee on a stick. I refuse to after the two chemicals that I got positives and got excited about from the hpt's onlto go in and have an extremly lowbetas and to have the hcg # get even lower the second beta get even lower than
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