Today was my beta and to my shock, my hcg level is 80!!!!!! My doctor said to me, "congratulations, your pregnant" response, "no way...ur kidding??". Not sure why I said that, but thats what came to mind. I think I'm still in shock. He asked me to come back Friday, but I told him that I would like to come in tomorrow if that is ok. I have had two chemical pregnancies and even a slight increase would put me a little more at ease. He agreed...I love my doctor.
So now I am going to run down my symptoms (which I didnt realize were symptoms until today) for all of the google searching women like me.
Since the transfer I have had extremely sore boobs...some back pain.....and a very blotted belly.
Transfer Thanks for such a great post and the review, I am totally impressed! Keep stuff like this coming.