Monday, February 4, 2013

Drum roll please.......... 15 weeks and 3 day!! yay!!

Sorry that it has been so long since my last post. I have been scared to share the news, but I am very pregnant!! It has been a long time coming. Those of you that have been following my blog know that I have been trying since November of 2011. It took a little less than a year and 6 IVF cycles for this to finally be happening.

Now that I am in my second trimester, I finally feel like it is a good time to share my joy. I am not 100 percent worry free at this point, I mean other than the usual worries that women have in pregnancy, I also have a condition that is called an incompetent cervix. My cervix is extremely short, so I have to worry about it prematurely opening before it is supposed to. Yes.....on top of all the other issues that I have, I have to also worry about this, but like they say nothing good comes easy and what is worth having is worth fighting for. And boy have we been fighting like hell. But the silver lining in all of this is that I had a procedure done last Monday where they put a stitch at the opening of my cervix to help keep it closed. I had this done also when I was pregnant with my son, but I had it done so late (becasue they were not aware that I had this issue), that I almost lost him when I was only 17 weeks and I had to be on bed rest for 6 months. But the stitch held tight and my son was born at 38 weeks.

This time around, we knew that I would need the stitch, which the medical term is a "cerclage", so we did it at 14 weeks and the hope is that I will not need to be on full bedrest and that I will be able to act somewhat like a normal pregnant woman. The first time around, I did not enjoy the pregnancy the way that other women get to enjoy it. I had to stay in bed, eat in bed, and shower everyother day. I did not get to go out to eat, shop for baby things, or flaunt my belly like other pregnant ladies.

After my procedure last week, I was put on modified bed rest for two weeks, but I go to the doctor tomorrow and I feel great, so I am anticipating her allowing me to go back to work this week instead of next week or instead of putting me on full bed rest (like I had to be with my son). However, if she (my high risk ob) decides that I need to be on bed rest, well then...I will do what I have to do to have a healthy baby.

I am 15 weeks and 3 days today. I go for a sonogram tomorrow, which I am hoping will reveal the sex, along with how well the stitch is holding up. When trying to get pregnant, I kept thinking, "a girl would be nice", but to be completely honest, I could care less right now. I whole heartily will be excited no matter what it is. As weird as it sounds, I am completely neutral about which gender I would like it to be. Having either one has equal benefits in my eyes. My husband would like another boy, of course. However, I know that he would adore a little girl and he knows it too, but he can't deal with the thought of the "teenage years". And I can't blame him. I was a teenage girl, so I know what we are in for and that right there goes on my "cons" column when thinking about which gender we would like. But in all seriousness, after all we have been through, I will be happy that it is human, no matter what sex it is. I feel extremely blessed that I am able to even ponder a sex right now. A few months ago, it felt as if this was never really going to come to fruition.

Well, now that I have put it all out there for the world to see...makes it all feel that much more real to me. I am still in shock and disbelief that this is really happening. We have just been through so much and it seems like a blur right now. All I can focus on is getting to the next week.

~extremely preggo